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30 | Osada Paper Mill

TEL: 0778-42-0051

Echizen_QRT_30-01osada seisaku.JPG

Maintaining the Traditions of Echizen Washi and Exploring its Potential as a Modern Art Form

This workshop was the first in Echizen to focus on producing large sheets of paper over a century ago, specializing in hand-made Fusuma paper (large sheets of paper to cover sliding doors). In more recent years, this workshop has begun to explore the potential of washi itself as an art form, simultaneously preserving tradition while creating entirely new washi items like book covers, uchiwa fans, and objets d'art.

Nearly every employee of this workshop has 30 years or more of experience working with washi, giving it a peaceful atmosphere filled with the sounds of water and tools, punctuated with the occasional bit of laughter. The workshop also maintains a nearby gallery of their many artistic uses of washi.
